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Who we are

We are an imperfect people captivated and being changed by Jesus who seek to live for him.

Leadership team

Gareth Jones


Hi, I'm Gareth, and my role is to lead the team here at Hope Church.

I particularly enjoy chatting to people of all ages and backgrounds about Jesus and the difference he makes to our lives. 

I'm married to Ali, and we have two growing young children who keep us busy. We've recently returned to the UK after 12 years in New Zealand.

I've spent a lot of my years working with young people and university students which I reckon keeps me young! When I'm not working I enjoy getting out on my bike and climbing mountains, preferably with someone else if I can persuade them to tag along! 

James Chewter


Hi, I’m James and I serve as an elder here at Hope Church.

I grew up in a Christian family and came to know Christ at the age of 16. I enjoy serving in the church by leading Sunday set up and running the sound system.

I have been married to my lovely wife Lily since 2016 and we have three daughters who keep us on our toes.

I run a small construction company with my brother during the week and when I am not working or serving in the church I enjoy spending time with family, cooking, going out for walks and pottering around the garden.

Staff team



Hi, I'm Ernny. I am a part time apprentice and my role is to learn and serve God and His people at Hope Church Goldington.

I was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and came to study and work in Bedford in 2017. I grew up in a Christian family and came to know Christ at the age of 15. I enjoy serving in the church by helping to lead the children and youth groups and meeting one on one to read the Bible with different people.

When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my family, baking, playing badminton and learning different languages.

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